Exploring the intersections of art, awareness, and activism

Episode 3
Guest: Kaitlyn Hatch
Queering Buddhist Art: Drawing a path to inclusivity
“Any system of oppression can't be part of the sacred because it's a perversion of the sacred. Because systems of oppression create the idea that some people are more sacred than others, and that's wrong. … Therefore, I have work to do all the time about being aware of how I believe those messages, and how they are constantly bombarding me, and trying to convince me of their rightness. What am I always doing to bring awareness to them, to be present with them, to acknowledge what is my responsibility versus what is the system and how within the system can I push against it at all times? And then what are the areas where I can just model that sacredness that a system like cisheteronormativity, for example, doesn't believe is sacred.”
- Kaitlyn Hatch

Episode 2
Guest: Ramel J. Wallace
”To care is a creative choice.”
"[Art is] preservation of different feelings that we can tap into . . . this constant rearticulation of the self, and being part of an ecosystem where we remind ourselves of our reflections, we remind ourselves of one another - because it's hard to see ourselves. And so these different communities remind us and they help each other. We help each other see ourselves and we know how powerful that is."

Episode 1
Guest: Rusia Mohiuddin
”Art is effortlessly political.”
“We need to dismantle some of the grand ways in which we think about doing social justice work, doing political work, doing artwork, when it can be a microcosm, a manifestation within ourselves to actualize a desire we have. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. If we do it for ourselves, we're doing it for the world. Because we're a part of that world.”

Podcast Welcome
Meet your host: Desiree Aspiras
Listen to the podcast introduction and trailer